Great Neighborhoods for a Great Community
A Leader for Green Buildings
Status Strategy Summary Comments
Initial Stage 2.7.1

Review existing green building codes throughout the United States and recommend how Memphis and Shelby County can implement model green building codes and develop a “Green Points” program requiring all new construction to submit a LEED for New Construction checklist and earn a specified minimum number of points in order to receive a building permit.

This strategy has not been addressed to date.

Initial Stage 2.7.2

Amend Building Codes to require that all commercial buildings and multi-family residential buildings of 10,000 SF or more achieve a minimum of LEED Certified or equivalent and require that all new construction achieve a minimum of LEED Certified or equivalent.

This strategy has not been addressed to date.

Completed 2.7.3

Adopt an energy code to encourage better performing buildings and educate the public beforehand.

Memphis-Shelby County Code Enforcement adopted the 2009 Energy Code in 2012 as an upgrade from the previous version.

Initial Stage 2.7.4

Develop a public education and awareness campaign aimed at dispelling myths about the cost of green buildings and infrastructure.

Not being pursued at this time.

Initial Stage 2.7.5

Require all land use applications with a site plan component to have a completed LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) scorecard as part of the application review process.

LEED ND aspects were incorporated into the subdivision requirements of the UDC.  A scorecard is not a part of the application process though.