Great Neighborhoods for a Great Community
Smart Planning
Status Strategy Summary Comments
Completed 2.2.21

The UDC should require new local street lanes to be no wider than the measurement that corresponds to the desired automobile speed needed.

See section 5.2.7C of the Unified Development Code on Major and Minor Connector Street widths.

Completed 2.2.22

Study existing streets to determine those that have characteristics encouraging excessive traffic speeds and initiate plans for reducing lane number or widths or provide other traffic calming devices on those streets.

Long Range Transportation Plan 2040 has a complete streets policy (page 5-41) to give the region ideas on how to do this, it is not mandatory.  If a particular road can encourage strategies they get more points in the 2014-2017 TIP.  The Livability 2050 Plan provides an update to the complete streets policy described in the 2040 Plan.

Completed 2.2.23

The UDC should implement reduced parking requirements and provide maximum allowances based on the current best planning practices.

See table in 4.5.3E of the Unified Development Code for a list of parking reductions that can be applied.

Initial Stage 2.2.24

The UDC should permit angular on-street parking in pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods where appropriate and should limit surface parking lots in urban areas by encouraging the redevelopment of buildings on existing surface parking lots and require building facades to meet the street edge

The promotion of placing parking behind buildings is in the Unified Development Code, angled on-street parking is not in the UDC since it is not a zoning issue.

Completed 2.2.25

Form a Green Building Task Force made up of real estate professionals to examine the existing building code and make recommendations on how it could become more green.

In September 2011, the Green Building Task Force was convened and met on a monthly basis.  Read the recommendations in the report here.