Great Neighborhoods for a Great Community
Smart Planning
Status Strategy Summary Comments
Initial Stage 2.2.1

Develop a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Memphis, unincorporated Shelby County, and other municipalities based upon the principles of Sustainable Urbanism.

The Department of Planning was cut in half during the economic recession in 2009, so this strategy has not been addressed to date.  The Mid-South Regional Greenprint is a regional comprehensive plan focused on green infrastructure that is being coordinated by the Office of Sustainability.  This project is a first step towards the completion of a comprehensive plan.   

In Progress 2.2.2

The Environmental Resource Protection component to the Comprehensive Plan will inventory and provide guidelines for the protection of priority wetlands, aquifer recharge areas, wildlife corridors, and critical habitats for threatened and endangered species.

The Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability's Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan furthers this goal.

Completed 2.2.3

The Comprehensive Plan will map the location of existing and future neighborhoods, employment centers and business districts with transit-ready density levels in conjunction with the adopted Long-Range Transportation Plan and Regional Transit Master Plan. Amend the UDC to include tools to ensure that plans are reviewed for conformance with the requirements for transit-ready neighborhood developments.

The Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability's Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan furthers this goal. In addition, this data has been developed by Nelson\Nygaard for the MATA short-range transit plan and Greenprint Bus Transit to Workplace Study.  

In Progress 2.2.4

The Parks and Open Space and the Transportation sections of the Comprehensive Plan should connect parks and open spaces with a cohesive bicycle and pedestrian network while preserving wildlife corridors and ecosystems.

The Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability's Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan furthers this goal.

Initial Stage 2.2.5

Within the Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood plans will be created with specific attention given to protecting and enhancing the character of established neighborhoods including the desired density.

The Office of Sustainability plans to work on methods for establishing more neighborhood scale plans, within the constraints of the existing budget climate.