The Division of Planning and Development eNewsletter is your source for Division news including operational updates, City and County Development news, and much more. Check out the latest edition here.
The Division of Planning and Development eNewsletter is your source for Division news including operational updates, City and County Development news, and much more. Check out the latest edition here.
The Division of Planning and Development is partnering with the City of Memphis' Division of Housing and Community Development are pursuing a Pathways to Reducing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grant proposal through HUD for their Round 2 application. This opportunity would bring much needed funding to support affordable housing development in Memphis to improve access to housing for low income residents.
Missed the ZTA Webinar? The meeting recording and slide deck are now available.
On some occasions, inspectors are unable to close permits despite all of the permitted work having passed inspection; this can be due to a missing suite number or an incorrect address listed on the permit application. This is especially a problem when there are multiple permits pulled by multiple contractors at the same address, also causing issues for Inspectors when attempting to sign off on Certificates of Occupancy.
Beginning January 1, 2022, we will begin enforcing the 2021 I-Codes and the 2020 National Electrical Code. To avoid project delays in the coming New Year due to partial or failed inspections, contractors from all fields should begin to familiarize themselves with these new codes. As is customary, there will be a six-month grace period, beginning January 1, 2022, to honor any work planned or done under the 2014/2015 Codes. Below are links to the new codes.