Planned Developments

New Planned Development/Amendment to Existing Planned Development
Instructions on Neighborhood Meetings

Major Modification to Existing Planned Development/LUCB Site Plan Approval (Correspondence Case)
Minor Modification to Existing Planned Development
PD Final Plan Checklist (for submission to OPD after PD approval)

PD Outline Plan Checklist (for submission to OPD after PD approval)

PD Re-Recording Checklist (for submission to OPD after original recording)

Special Use Permits

New Special Use Permit/Amendment to Existing Special Use Permit
Instructions on Neighborhood Meetings

Major Modification to Existing Special Use Permit
Minor Modification to Existing Special Use Permit


New Major Subdivision
Instructions for Neighborhood Meetings
New Minor Subdivision
Minor Modification/Plat Revision to Existing Subdivision
Final Plat Checklist (for submission to OPD after subdivision approval)

Plat Re-Recording Checklist (for submission to OPD after original recording)

*For a major modification to an existing subdivisions, please use the "New Major/Minor Subdivision Application."

Rezonings (also known as Zoning Map Amendment or Zoning District Reclassification)

Instructions for Neighborhood Meetings
Residential Corridor Revocation

Street Name Change, Closure and Dedication

Street Name Change
Street or Alley Closure*
Street or Alley Closure - Time Extension to Previously Approved Closure
Informational Brochure on Street or Alley Closures

Street Dedication
Letter explaining the private-to-public street conversion process
*For right-of-way vacations, physical closures and public-to-private street conversions

Please note: In certain situations, right-of-way may be vacated administratively if it was purchased by the City of Memphis rather than dedicated. To determine if one of those situations apply, please see Section (4) of this ordinance.

Plat Revocation and Special Exceptions

Plat Revocation

Special Exceptions

Other Forms

Ownership disclosure form (if owner(s) is not included on application)
Owner Affidavit
Gratuity disclosure form (for all items that will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners)