Frequently Asked Questions

What land uses are permitted on my property?

The use table in Section 2.5.2 of the Unified Development Code indicates which uses are permitted by zoning district (see zoning atlas for district boundaries). The use categories in Sec. 2.5.2 are generalized; for a more thorough listing of uses permitted by zoning district, go to Section 2.9.

For some uses, such as daycares and cell towers, there are additional rules, or "use standards" that must be met, in addition to being in the right zoning district. These use standards are found in Section 2.6 (see this graphic for cell tower regulations). Please see this memorandum regarding the addition to antennae to those cell towers approved as flush mount towers.

Please note that some of the special purpose and overlay districts of Section 7 and 8 contain their own use tables; see this map for boundaries of these districts.

What are the setback and height rules for buildings on my property?

Section 3.6.1of the Unified Development Code contains what is called "bulk standards" for single-family residential uses permitted in the single-familyzoning districts; Section 3.6.2 contains bulk standards for permitted, non-residential uses, such as schools and places of worship, in these districts. Please note that certain residential infill development is subject to special standards called "contextual infill standards" (see this graphic to help determine if your property is subject to the contextual infill standards of Section 3.9.2). Section 3.7.2 contains bulk standards for those residential uses permitted in the multi-family zoning districts; Section 3.7.3 contains bulk standards for permitted, non-residential uses in these districts. Section 3.10.2B contains bulk standards for apartments, offices, commercial and industrial uses in the office, commercial and industrial zoning districts; Section 3.10.2C contains the standards for single-family uses in these zoning districts. This table combines the use table of Section 2.5.2 and combines building setbacks, lot sizes and other bulk regulations. Please note that some of the overlay districts of Sections 7 and 8 contain their own bulk standards (for instance, see this map for areas subject to maximum setbacks).

What are the setback and height rules for other buildings on my property?

Sheds, granny flats, detached garages, etc. are considered "accessory structures." Section 2.7 of the Unified Development Code contains regulations for these buildings (see this graphic for these rules in simplified form).

Is my property located in a historic overlay district?

This map includes the boundaries of the historic overlay districts governed by Section 8.6, which are also known as Landmarks Districts. This graphic answers frequently asked questions about these districts, which generally require action by the Landmarks Commission for exterior alteration to buildings.

Does my proposed improvement to my property require landscaping or sidewalk improvements?

The table in Section 4.1 of the Unified Development Code lays out the types of construction that triggers various sections of the UDC, such as improvements to landscaping and sidewalks.

How wide may my residential driveway be?

Residential driveways may be no wider than 16 feet at the right-of-way and must extend at least 20 feet beyond the front façade of the house in instances where the driveway leads to a detached garage or carport or where there is no garage or carport.

How much parking do I need to provide?

Section 4.5.3of the Unified Development Code contains parking ratios for particular uses (see this document that contains the parking ratio, parking reduction and handicap parking tables).

How tall may my fence be?

How large may my sign be?

Section 4.9of the Unified Development Code contains the sign regulations(see this graphic for instructions on landscaping requirements at the base of signs). Under this written interpretation, any change in technology of a nonconforming billboard is prohibited.

What if I need to rezone my property?

Section 9 of the Unified Development Code outlines the various approval processes of the UDC (see this graphic that outlines the timelines for these processes).

What if I need to subdivide my property to create a new lot(s)?

Section 9.7 of the Unified Development Code contains rules related to subdivisions (see this tutorial on frequently asked questions related to lots of record and subdivision requirements).

Will the Engineering Division review my proposal?

Section 9.12.3B(3) of the Unified Development Code lays out the types of construction that triggers review by City/County Engineering (see this graphic that may assist in determining whether your project requires Engineering review). Refer to this flowchart for the final plat submittal process if City or County Engineering review is required.

Where can I place my garage or carport?

Garage placement is often subject to the Unified Development Code's Contextual Infill Standards.  Use this graphic to determine if  your property is subject to those standards.

If I need zoning action on my project, how long will it take before I can get my building permit?

Use this graphic to determine how long it may take to receive a building permit if your project requires zoning action.