Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the Rehabilitation Program?

The Rehabilitation Program is now open. You can apply online at using the Neighborly Portal. If you have questions about the application, please call (901) 222-4663 and leave a voicemail with your name, phone number, and property address.

Can I complete a Shelby County Department of Housing program application online?

Our programs now have an online application portal.  For programs currently accepting applicants please register for your account here, and complete your online application.

Please note: For Down Payment Assistance Program applications you must be a LENDER applying on behalf of a homeowner.

For additional support, please call 901-222-7600.


When will work start on my house?

Due to a significant backlog of homeowner rehabilitation projects, it is difficult to pin-point a start date. We truly understand the urgent need of your home’s repair; however, we respectfully request your patience, as we assist each participant in accordance with HUD requirements.

If Shelby County Department of Housing does work on my home, do I have to pay for it?

If you are approved for work on your home through the Shelby County Rehabilitation Program, you will not pay for anything or pay back anything unless you want to sell the house within the lien period. For the Rehabilitation Program, the lien period if 5 years.

Can I have the contractor of my choice for the work done on my home?

No. All projects are bid out to certified contractors in a competitive sealed bid process.

When will the lien on my home be released?

If you have participated in any of our programs and have questions about your lien, please call 901-222-7600 for more information.  Lead Hazard Reduction liens are one-year in duration, and Rehabilitation are five-years in duration, after which time they can be released.  If you sell your home prior to that time, payment on the remaining term is required.  Call for additional information as needed.

Who do I call if I have a Fair Housing complaint?

To file a complaint, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission.

How do I get help with my tenant landlord issues?

If you are seeking legal assistance contact Memphis Area Legal Services at 901-523-8822 or The Memphis Fair Housing Center at 901-432-4663.

How do I get information about a Subordination Agreement?

Contact Mr. Israel Henry at (901) 222-7616.

I live in the City of Memphis; how do I get help?

The Department of Housing conducts work on homes both inside and outside the City of Memphis for both Lead Hazard Reduction and Rehabilitation Programs.  The Down Payment Assistance Program is also open to all residents of Shelby County.  Apply through the respective program for assistance.


Other organizations that you may contact:

Habitat for Humanity- Aging in Place Program: (901) 322-3500

MLGW- Project Care: (901) 528-4188

City of Memphis- Weatherization Assistance Program: (901) 636-7366

MIFA- Various Family Programs: (901) 527-0208

How do I become a contractor?

Can I submit an application for Section 8 housing?

The Shelby County Department of Housing does not administer a Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program. Contact the Memphis Housing Authority for information on their Housing Choice Voucher Program at (901) 544-1347.

How do I get emergency housing assistance?

See for a broad array of housing assistance available.

The Shelby County Department of Housing does not provide emergency housing assistance.

Contact Metropolitan Interfaith Association (MIFA) to inquire about the following programs:

  • Emergency Services- assists seniors on fixed incomes and the working poor who have experienced temporary crisis with rent, mortgage payments, utilities, and food.  Phone: (901) 527-0226
  • Emergency Shelter Placement- helps families with minor children secure temporary shelter if homelessness cannot be avoided through mediation.   Phone: (901) 529-4522
  • Homeless Hotline- 24-hour hotline helps connect homeless families with minor children in Memphis and Shelby County to shelter.   Phone: (901) 529-4545
  • Rapid Rehousing- helps eligible homeless families quickly obtain permanent stable housing.   Phone: (901) 529-4524

For additional resources, please see the Community Alliance for the Homeless website here.

How can I get assistance with mortgage and/or utility payments?

See more information on mortgage and utility assistance here:

Who do I contact if I have a bug or mold problem in my home?

For any type of infestation issue, contact the Shelby County Health Department at 901-222-9000.

What if I have an issue that is not listed here?

For any service that is not listed, call the Shelby County 311 service by simply dialing 311. You can file a complaint and your complaint/inquiry will be routed to the proper agency.