DPD uses electronic plans review software to aid in the review process.  These standards help in the archiving and retrieval, performance, and integration with other software in use for these purposes. To ensure a prompt review and create consistency please follow the guidelines below.


Plan File Format:

  • All Plans must be submitted as a vector (searchable) PDF file
  • Plans should be uploaded as a single multi-page file when possible
  • File size must not exceed 1 Gigabyte
    • When plans exceed 1G they should be broken down into discipline/trade using the fewest number of files possible
    • Example:  Doc #1 Civ, Arch, Struc; Doc #2 Mech, Plum, FP, Elec)
  • PDF Packages / Portfolios / Zip Files are not accepted
  • Please make sure files do not require a password or require permissions to view
  • All Plan files should be set with a landscape orientation


File Naming:

  • Plans should be named with the following sequence, C#-Descriptor-type.pdf
    • C# = Cycle number
    • Descriptor = unique identifier of document description
    • Type = Document Type

Example:  C1-125Main-ConstructionPlans.pdf

  • The same file name should be used for resubmissions, but the cycle number should be incremented for each resubmission by the applicant

Example:  C2-125Main-ConstructionPlans.pdf

  • Supporting Documents should describe the file contents, Example:  Energy Calculations.pdf


Plan Sheet Numbering:

  • PDF files containing Plan Sheets should contain a PDF bookmark for each sheet, that contains the Sheet Reference Number and optionally a Sheet Title,

Example A1.0 LOWER FLOOR

  • Sheet Reference Numbers should conform to the American CAD standard.
  • Plan Sheet Reference Numbers must be unique within a Record, two different drawing sheets should not have the same Sheet Reference Number
  • Plan Sheets should be correctly orientated in the PDF submission file, to allow the Sheets to be viewed without needing to rotate the sheet, typically Landscape
  • If Plans need to be revised and resubmitted, exactly the same Plan Sheet Reference Number should be used for each subsequent submission version of the same drawing sheet
  • Plans should be generated to a fixed scale and contain a scale bar, Example ¼” to 1’

Supporting Documents:

  • All supporting documents should be submitted as separate files and not combined as part of a plan sheets submission file
  • Documents that contain multiple pages, for example Structural Calculations, should be submitted as a single, multi-page file.
  • Different categories of supporting documents should be submitted as separate files, for example Structural Calculations, Energy Calculations, Project Specifications
  • Documents should be correctly orientated in the PDF files, to allow the contents to be viewed without needing to rotate the page, typically Portrait



  • Do not submit an incomplete response addressing part of a reviewer’s comments or only a specific discipline. Only resubmit once all comments have been addressed by all applicable reviewers.
  • Revised sheets and corrections should be clouded or otherwise distinguish with a delta (∆).
  • A response letter clarifying how each comment was addressed is required as part of resubmittal.